Against a backdrop of challenging global markets, Japan has emerged as a hotspot for private equity. With an abundance of promising target companies and a buoyant fundraising environment, it was the only Asia-Pacific private equity market that grew in 2023.
Hiroshi Nishimuro, who leads Monument Group's fundraising efforts and general partner relationships in Japan, caught up with Deal Street Asia reporter Simran Vaswani to discuss why and how the country is becoming a private equity hotspot for international investors.
In this research report, we explore some of the characteristics driving appetite for infrastructure funds, how investors can best invest in the sector, and the importance of manager selection.
In a recent Middle Market Growth article, Monument Group’s Chris Webber discusses the current fundraising environment, noting that increasing M&A and exit activity should help drive momentum for managers raising new funds.
Speaking with the Financial Times about secondaries activity, Monument Group’s Christine Patrinos comments on institutional investors dealing with overallocations to private equity.
In a recent PitchBook article, Monument Group’s Lori Campana discusses the outlook for real estate fundraising and which real estate strategies are of interest to LPs in the current market.